Monday, May 26, 2008

Patel Method for Calculating Prime Numbers

This method for calculating prime numbers was created by Jitendra Patel.

Special Numbers:

- 1 is a special number is debatable whether or not it is a prime number.
- 2 and 3 are special prime numbers. They are only prime numbers because they are so small and therefore do not follow the rules for real prime numbers. They are the exception and not the rule.
- 4 is the first composite number. This is derived by multiplying the smallest prime by itself. It is also a marker for where the real prime numbers begin.
- 5 is the first real prime number and follows the rules defined below:

Patel Method for calculating Real Prime Numbers:

- All real prime numbers are located next to multiples of 6. Therefore you could say n6-1 and n6+1 is where all real prime numbers are located.
- This is the reason for the existence of the twin prime conjecture. The number between any pair of twin prime numbers will always be a multiple of 6.

- Some of the numbers that fall along the n6-1 and n6+1 are not prime numbers. These numbers need to be excluded from the table. The excluded numbers are calculated by multiplying all numbers that fall into either series with itself and with other numbers from either series.